When 'Jehovah' respects the sanctity of life and does something about the diseases HE made that kill millions each year he will be in a position to judge his creation.
James Free
JoinedPosts by James Free
sanctity of life
by lovelylissa init just occurred to me that they say non-witness kids are going to die at armageddon, but abortion is wrong because jah knows us before we are born.
isn't this contradicting itself on the sanctity of life and how jah views us as individual and precious right from the beginning?
Possibly best "Sc.Fiction" movie I've ever seen..."Man From Earth" 10/10
by Frank.L ina movie i would like to recommend to all....its not full of blood and gore,or even any action, but it is full of emotion and a "trigger" for the brain.
i almost hate to write anything about it so i dont give anything away...in a few words..imagine if a caveman(cromagnam man) survived 14,000 yrs.no one would know about his existence.
he just happened to be born with the ability not to die.
More Gilead goodies! - Advice for 'people from poor countries'
by sir82 inhere's the latest snippet of an e-mail from a friend of a friend in the current gilead class.
this is his recap of part of one of their lectures in class:.
...1 cor 7:17-24 speaks about .
James Free
In the Philippines, where I am at present, the local JW's still ask for donations before handing over literature - "The bible was printed in Japan at great cost". The people they are asking money from often live on a dollar a day. They are not the only religion stealing from the people in the name of God here - it's commonplace, but I find it totally immoral.
Gentile Times reconsidered
by confused and lost ini am half way through this book by carl o. jonsson and the more i read the more certain i become that the 607bce date for the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is nothing more than a fabrication designed to uphold 1914 and hence the "authority" of the watchtower leadership.it makes me sick to think of how they have duped millions of people with their phoney chronology.it makes sitting through studies that mention these dates irritating to say the least.especially when all the heads nod in unison at the mention of the "magic 607"
James Free
JCanon claims Christ returned "in the flesh" in 1992. In his flesh. "JC" says Jesus Christ took possession of his body while he was spending the night in a dumpster. "JC" here tells us that he is actually Jesus Christ returned. He is serious.
Is this true? I must have missed that bit. I am 'real', and amazed!
Gentile Times reconsidered
by confused and lost ini am half way through this book by carl o. jonsson and the more i read the more certain i become that the 607bce date for the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is nothing more than a fabrication designed to uphold 1914 and hence the "authority" of the watchtower leadership.it makes me sick to think of how they have duped millions of people with their phoney chronology.it makes sitting through studies that mention these dates irritating to say the least.especially when all the heads nod in unison at the mention of the "magic 607"
James Free
Without the chronology, you cannot correctly identify the messiah since general Biblical knowledge would not provide enough light...The wise virgins ... know, if possible, they need to see where the chronology dates the second coming. But even with not being able to sort all this out, you still only have three choices: 607, 587 or 529 BCE, which gives you 1914, 1934 and 1992.
There must be a fourth choice, because Christ has not yet returned, unless, like the JW's, you claim it was invisibly. Searching the Bible for dates will always be futile. I guess I am not one of the 'wise virgins'...I lost my spiritual innocence, or naivety, believing the WT and it's false dating for too many years. Not only do I now consider attempts to date the return of Christ as doomed to failure, but I do not accept the other interpretations regarding 144000, wise virgins etc. that provides food for such research. The Gentile Times Reconsidered helped me see past all that stuff, and I value the time I spent reading it, along with Crisis of Conscience.
Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater Goodbye Watchtower Hello Nothing?
by Magick inas witnesses who were deeply indoctrinated.
we accepted all of jehovah's witness teachings as a total package, it was "the truth".
there were no cracks in our armor that would allow other ideas, doctrines or thoughts to seep in.
James Free
We come to understand that RELIGION is created by human beings.
This is true. WHY do humans create religions? Because they do not want to accept that this life is all there is. So they start seeking a 'spiritual' side, since it is clear that physically this is indeed all there is. (There are religions that combine spirituality with the physical and conclude that the physical is re-born, reincarnated).
The 'spiritual' side that is born of imagination and hope is without definition, and so, in a vain attempt to understand it, humans wrap it in religion.
It's unlikely we will ever all accept that it is all a delusion, that, in fact, this short life is actually all there is. If we did, we would know truth, but we would also know anarchy. -
Associated Jehovahs Witnesses for Reform on Blood
by LtCmd.Lore inhttp://www.ajwrb.org/.
anyone heard of this group before?.
i just heard about them today on an episode of the skeptics guide to the universe.
James Free
The Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood is a diverse group of Witnesses from many countries. Some members are presently serving as elders and Hospital Liaison Committee members or have previously served in that capacity.
I came across them a few years back, but I never believed the quote above. I do not believe there are movements for change inside the Org. Anyone who would openly seek change would be disfellowshipped. This does not only apply to the blood issue, but to anything, like silent lambs.
I understand why some people decide to stay inside the WT for the sake of their family etc, but it takes a particular kind of moral corruption to remain an elder when you do not believe what you will certainly be called on to teach to others. Some have claimed they remain elders to make whatever subtle changes they can - but that is a lost cause and an honest Witness would know that. -
Gentile Times reconsidered
by confused and lost ini am half way through this book by carl o. jonsson and the more i read the more certain i become that the 607bce date for the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is nothing more than a fabrication designed to uphold 1914 and hence the "authority" of the watchtower leadership.it makes me sick to think of how they have duped millions of people with their phoney chronology.it makes sitting through studies that mention these dates irritating to say the least.especially when all the heads nod in unison at the mention of the "magic 607"
James Free
COJ was an elder who wanted to show that 607 could not have been the date that Jerusalem was destroyed. Although you arrive at a different date than almost every other secular source accepts, it still means that you both agree on one thing - it was not 607 BCE. For most JW's that is all they need to know, since this destroys the WT end-date of 1914, followed by all authority being given to the GB in 1919. It's all in the past, and of no relevance today, whatever the date.
Gentile Times reconsidered
by confused and lost ini am half way through this book by carl o. jonsson and the more i read the more certain i become that the 607bce date for the destruction of jerusalem by babylon is nothing more than a fabrication designed to uphold 1914 and hence the "authority" of the watchtower leadership.it makes me sick to think of how they have duped millions of people with their phoney chronology.it makes sitting through studies that mention these dates irritating to say the least.especially when all the heads nod in unison at the mention of the "magic 607"
James Free
JCanon, can I ask a question or two, since I have developed an aversion to reading your posts due to the small fonts used and your very long-winded arguments. Sadly, I no longer even manage the first sentence of each of your posts without feeling the need to move on. Although they may well be scholarly and are evidently, at eye skimming speed, seemingly well researched, the presentation is very disconcerting. So, please, if possible, give me the very short version - When do you claim Jerusalem was destroyed? I enjoyed reading Gentile Times Reconsidered. Can you bullet-point what was wrong with it? Thanks in advance.
Can anyone tell me why this "test" works...this is SO SPOOKY!
by FreedomFrog inok, can anyone tell me why this works?
this is so freakin' cool.
do the test as it is instructed...don't cheat.
James Free
Red shovel for me....oh well, at least the color was red.